Camberwell Community Building
Friends, families and neighbours working together for the betterment of our community
Children's Classes (5-11 years)
Children are a community’s most precious treasure. The Camberwell community offers regular classes for children between the ages of 5 and 10 to help them develop their talents and qualities. The classes are held every Saturday in Camberwell Green. We take care of all the organisation and facilitation of these precious educational events that are free to everyone. Contact us to find out more.
Junior Youth Groups (12-15 years)
These events help junior youth of around 11-14 years to recognise the ethical issues underlying everyday decisions and the moral implications of their actions so as they mature they realise their importance in society. The groups engage in learning, recreation, arts, sports, music, culture and service activities. The classes are organised every Saturday and Sunday and are free to anyone from any background. Contact us to find out more.
Youth Groups (16+ years)
Youth groups come in different formats and settings all depending on the participants who are involved. They run every Friday and flexible at other times. Typically youth from any background get together at various times in social surroundings engaging in meaningful discussions to better understand about society, culture and service to humanity. A free training programme is offered to those who want to give practical expression to their desire to engage in community building such as running junior youth groups or children’s classes. Contact us to find out more.
The Camberwell community and their neighbours from all walks of life get together in a friendly and cordial environment to engage in uplifting, inspiring and stimulating conversations. The participants learn to act effectively and serve the needs of our neighbourhood. Improving our lives and the lives of others is at the centre of discussions. The gatherings are free, open to everyone and typically held in the evenings of weekdays at a location in Camberwell Green. Contact us to find out more.
Adult Groups
London Youth Conference
"Collaborating for Community"
Noting the decisive contribution made by young people on every continent to efforts aiming at the betterment of society, gathertings of 114 youth conferences in locations that span the globe were arranged by the Baha’i Faith for youth from all background, faiths and nationalities. The University of Warwick, hosted over 1,000 youth from Gibraltar, Iceland, Ireland, and the four countries of the United Kingdom. Over 20 youth from Camberwell attended the Conference to learn how together they can contribute to the transformation of society in Camberwell. Below are the pictures of the event.
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Time at the conference was spent in workshop groups to study a number of themes relevant to youth, and to reflect on how each one can further contribute to the community building projects. These themes included The Period of Youth, Early Adolescence, Fostering Mutual Support and Assistance, Youth and Community Building and Contributing to the Advancement of Civilization.